Empowering Women in ICT: Our Commitment to Gender Diversity

At Kliqtek, we believe that diversity and inclusion are critical to driving innovation and success in the ICT sector. That’s why we are proud to announce our 50/50 gender diversity policy, designed to support and empower women in technology and create a balanced, inclusive workplace for everyone.

Our 50/50 Gender Diversity Policy

Equal Opportunities for All We are committed to providing equal opportunities in hiring, promotions, and professional development. Our goal is to ensure that women have the same chances as men to thrive and advance in their careers within our company.

Supportive Environment Creating a supportive and inclusive environment is at the heart of our policy. We offer mentorship programs, leadership training, and networking opportunities specifically tailored to support women in ICT. Our initiatives are designed to help women build confidence, develop skills, and connect with industry leaders.

Inclusive Recruitment Practices We actively seek to attract and hire talented women by implementing inclusive recruitment practices. This includes partnering with organisations and educational institutions that promote women in technology and ensuring our job descriptions and hiring processes are free from bias.

Work-Life Balance We understand the importance of work-life balance, especially for women who often juggle multiple roles. Our flexible working arrangements, parental leave policies, and wellness programs are designed to support all our employees in balancing their professional and personal lives.

Promoting Awareness and Advocacy We are dedicated to raising awareness about gender diversity in ICT and advocating for change across the industry. Through partnerships, sponsorships, and participation in industry events, we aim to promote the importance of gender diversity and inspire other organisations to take action.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We believe that achieving a 50/50 gender balance is not just a goal but a journey. It requires ongoing commitment, continuous improvement, and collaboration. We invite you to join us in this journey and be part of a company that values diversity, fosters innovation, and empowers women in ICT.

At Kliqtek, we are not just supporting women in ICT—we are transforming the industry for the better. Together, we can create a future where gender diversity is the norm, not the exception.

Follow us to stay updated on our diversity initiatives and learn how you can be part of this exciting journey.#WomenInTech #GenderDiversity #InclusionMatters #ICT #Empowerment #DiversityAndInclusion


Exciting News. Introducing Kliqtek, a Workday Partner